PRH/Prh has composed and produced numerous original “Neo Eclectic™” works in the “inn-house” Concert series and “Collection” series that are currently available on most Internet music sites. The first in the series “eclectic” was released in 2004 and the latest, “Neo Eclectic Cross Currents,” [1/2022]. Spotify now offers the entire Prh musical archive of 14 CD/EPs (free version download).
Dubbed “Music for the 21st Century” by one reviewer [iTunes Reviews 2007, 2018].
The music offers a different approach to composition based on breakthroughs in computer technology and spawning a new emerging musical genre: Neo Eclectic™ [*See Prh Article on “Hot New Emerging Musical Genre: Neo Eclectic”, Oct 1”, 2012 FB and Jango] reprinted in “Composer Comments” section..

Much like the vistas open to writers by the invention of the printing press, so have the advancements in computer science provided composers with unprecedented creative tools. As has often been pondered in the vernacular: ” What would the great composers have produced if they had computers,” these tracks offer another glimpse of the creative potential of these advances.
Specifically, these new capacities allow for the liberal mixtures and interweaving, cross culturally, of diverse musical genres, styles, textures and shadings into multi-dimensional combinations both within a particular track, as well as throughout each CD. Likewise, the breadth of these offerings span such genres as wide as classical, jazz, new age, rock, electronic/techno, pop, show and world, and in the context of varied time periods.
As “change” is so much a part of our everyday lives, so are we comfortable in listening to music that is hallmarked by a fusion of such diverse musical elements as this compositional approach allows. It is this fusion that provides a listener a unique musical experience akin to a sonic odyssey, where one is offered a veritable cornucopia of musical presentations, cohesively, in a sitting. Consistent with this approach each CD released is arranged so as to offer, collectively, a concert experience at a time and place of the listeners choosing. It is for this reason a series is entitled “inn-house Concert.”
We want to thank our fans for their interest and encouragement and for joining us on this musical odyssey.